Evangelism Resources
This page is here to help Christians in their daily walk with Christ with special focus on the area of Evangelism, of course. If you have ideas, suggestions, or requests on how to improve this page just let us know. Our goal is to help equip the Church in the area of Evangelism! Hope this helps you to Glorify God! All resources are ones that we use personally and you can share them freely unless otherwise noted. Please feel free to help yourself to any or all of the resources found here.
Bible Inserts- These are 7.5'' long x 5'' wide and can fit inside of any medium size Bible or larger. There is a variety of information on each one. They will have information about the religion, what to ask people who believe in it and how to defeat the ideas behind each apologetically. Be prepared to give an answer to anyone and everyone!
"Missing Links"/Definitions of Evolution
Evolution Fact Sheet
Evolution Quotes
Muslim Fact Sheet
Mormon Fact Sheet
Mormon Questions and Scriptures
Abortion Fact Sheet
The Canonicity of the Bible
Manuscript Evidence and Comparison
Need Some Motivation For Witnessing?- Well, if nothing else helps, I may half to give my buddy the Evangelism Linebacker a call. I don't think you want it to come to that now to do? If not, you better "get off tha flo and go doe to doe," as the Evangelism Linebacker would say. Seriously though, DO SOMETHING to reach the lost that you come into contact with each day. If you don't, the Blood Is On Your Hands . Don't fall to the lie that if you don't witness to someone that God will raise up someone who will. Read this Poem and this Story to help motivate you as well. Here is some motivation for Passing Out Gospel Tracts. Also, here is some help on Where To Pass Out Gospel Tracts.
We should ALL, at the least, be passing out Gospel Tracts. The question becomes, "Where do I find unique, creative, inexspensive, high quality and BIBLICAL Gospel Tracts?" Well, we have the answer for you! We offer several different sizes, a discount for buying in Bulk Amounts and we can even create your very own Customized Gospel Tract! Just click on the banner below to go to our Gospel Tract website and learn more:
Christian Bumper Stickers- We need to share the Gospel with the lost world in every way possible. Here is just another way of doing that. I find that they work great as far as starting a conversation with someone who has seen them. Also, it reaches people you would never be able to reach otherwise: those who are driving in their vehicles behind you. Below are some of the ones that Evangelist Kerrigan Skelly has had on the back of his vehicle. Just click on one of them to go to the website he ordered them from. "Testimony Time" Ministries offers them free of charge.

Books That Have Blessed Us

One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven- One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven Are you ready for eternity? If so, are you helping others get ready for that journey into eternity that each of us must take? As believers, we all know we should tell others about the Lord, but we often don't know how. This practical book will give you ideas for starting conversations, examples of witnessing situations, and answers to common questions, to help encourage, challenge, and equip you to reach both friends and strangers for Jesus the rest of your life! Click on the picture to purchase this wonderful book!
Free Study Guide- One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven Study Guide- Once you purchase the book from Mark's ministry, download the free .pdf study guide to go along with the book! You will learn a lot from Mark, whether you are new to witnessing or a veteran!

Free Book- Revolution In World Missions- This book will literally revolutionize the way that you look at reaching the lost worldwide. "In this exciting and fast-moving narrative, K.P. Yohannan shares how God brought him from his remote Indian village to become the founder of Gospel for Asia." This book will challenge the way you, as an American Christian, look at Christianity forever. You can order a hard copy for free HERE . Or you can click on the name/picture to download the .pdf file and read it for free.
Free Book-Tortured For Christ- "This dramatic testimony shocked the Western world! After spending years in underground prison cells and solitary confinement, enduring inhumane tortures, Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand emerged with the testimony of today's Christian martyrs. The 30th Anniversary Edition features photos, testimonies from Christian leaders and an update on the work of The Voice of the Martyrs." This book definitely rocked our boat. How can we ever forget our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ ever again?!

Free Book-The Pursuit of God- This book was written by A.W. Tozer, a man who KNEW God. This book has effected many people since Tozer wrote it including us. Now you can read it for free online, by clicking on the picture. "Lord, I must speak of Thee," wrote Tozer, "lest by my silence I offend against the generation of Thy children." Written during a train trip from Chicago to McAllen, Texas, The Pursuit of God has become a classic best-seller. Recipient of both the ECPA Gold and Platinum Book Awards.